Sunday, November 22, 2009

Car Wash

To many, washing your car might be looked at as a chore or inconvenience. To Dre Bly, washing your car is simply a way of life. The current Denver Broncos cornerback washes his car before every home game, whether or not they won the last game doesn’t matter. Even when Bly was playing for the Lions, who couldn’t win even if they received all the points they were getting from the spread, he practiced the routine. Bly said why should he stop after a loss, it’s like saying you should stop practicing and working out after every loss as well. One has to wonder if that’s what the Lions actually did and if so, well I guess teams as a whole have superstitions as well. I’m guessing Bly is going to continue to wash his car despite the Broncos 3 game losing streak however at least he is washing something, unlike veteran free agent quarterback Brad Johnson who wore the same undershirt in practice throughout the whole season. At the end of the day win or lose, at least Bly has a fresh ride to go to practice every day in which probably counts for a lot in the NFL, in some cases, (coughDetroitcough) it may even matter more than winning.


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